Located in the Heart of Montgomery County
The Lone Star Monument and Historical Flag Park showcases Montgomery County as the birthplace of the Lone Star Flag with towering historical battle and rally flags that depict those that flew during Texas’s fight for independence. A 14 ft. bronze known as “The Texian”, conceived and sculpted by artist Craig Campobella, serves as the centerpiece. A bronze bust dedicated to Dr. Charles B. Stewart, the Montgomery County native credited with the design of the Lone Star Flag, greets visitors at the Park entrance.
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A Note of Thanks and Heartfelt Gratitude
To Craig, Dave and to All,
How brave you were to dare such a feat. Agreeing to create an image and committing resources to a symbolic reflection of those brave souls gone before us. Your foresight to something bigger than yourselves will last forever.
Thank you for allowing me, my family and the Spirit of Texas Bank to have a small part in supporting your brilliant display of Texian Freedom.
God Bless Texas, God Bess Each of You,
Dean O. Bass and family